The Perks Of Using Bird-Proofing Technology

Protecting your property from all manner of threats is important to prevent a wide range of damage or losses. Given the severe nature of damage that birds can cause to the public and private spaces, it is important to deal with this issue effectively through lasting bird proofing solutions.
Keeping Flying Menaces at Bay
Birds are indeed fascinating, especially given their ability to thrive in unusual situations, including how they adapt to living in manmade structures. However, there can be serious negative consequences brought about by the excessive encroachment of wild birds around the house, which is why that needs to be controlled.
There are many bird control different measures that can be taken to discourage birds like pigeons, crows, starlings, etc. from causing havoc around your neighborhood. Most of the strategies being discussed here involve physical methods, ideally ones that don’t harm the birds in any way.
Light Deterrents
Birds have amazing eyesight and can spot minor details from several meters away. For that reason, beams of light produced by laser deterrents or light-reflecting bird repellents can be used to keep them away. These lights confuse and dishevel birds in midair from a considerable distance, forcing them to turn away and head elsewhere.
Another method is to use strips of aluminum foil and hanging them form trees or fixing them around the house where they reflect sunshine into the eyes of birds to achieve the same effect.
Sonic Deterrents
Birds communicate with specialized vocal patterns and are also sensitive to sounds like distress calls or predator warnings. Devices that reproduce these sounds can be used around houses to mimic these warnings and actively dissuade birds from coming anywhere near.
Physical Barriers
These are simple measures to deal with birds that built nests on TV antennas, underneath solar panels, and in other locations which make sense to them but can cause issues for us.
Bird-proofing solar panels generally involve cleaning the space underneath the screens and barricading it with a steel mesh which blocks any path for the birds to enter. Netting and trapping systems are also effective methods, particularly when dealing with larger birds.
Perch Proofing
Sometimes the best course of action is to address the root cause of a problem. Birds will be unlikely to invade or remain on your property if you make it difficult for them to stay even for a brief while. When they don’t have a place to perch and enjoy the comfort of your, they’ll most probably head elsewhere.
By installing metal spikes on your roof, ledges, windows, gutters, and other perch sites, you can remove any potential areas for birds to roost too close to you. These spikes are smooth and prevent proper gripping or support. However, they are blunted to ensure that the birds aren’t impaled or injured.
Another method is through shock strips, which are small, electrocuted tracks that can be laid out over places where birds can gather before infesting a property. These deliver a significant and non-lethal current, forcing birds to immediately fly off in a different direction.
Final Thoughts
Birds are certainly a sight to behold, though mostly from afar. Up close, the problems caused by damage from nesting activity, hazardous bird droppings, lice and other parasites, and other unfortunate situations make bird control measures a necessity for many people.
However, the key principle behind bird control is to repel them without causing too much distress or physical harm. Animal welfare laws can be stringent depending on where you live, especially when dealing with endangered or protected species.
Furthermore, installing any type of spikes, netting, or roofing meant to deter birds needs to be handled with capable hands, so make sure to hire professionals for the job.
Bird proofing your property has to be done properly in order to guarantee maximum efficiency and lasting results, so choose your methods wisely.